Watch  Star Trek: Picard  Full Movie Online Stream

Watch Star Trek: Picard Full Movie Online Stream

Streaming Star Trek: Picard Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Star Trek: Picard
  • Year:
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 7.5
  • Genres: Adventure, Action, Drama
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Summary Star Trek: Picard

Follow-up series to Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) and Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) that centers on Jean-Luc Picard (Sir Patrick Stewart) in the next chapter of his life.

At the end of the 24th Century, and 14 years after his retirement from Starfleet, Jean-Luc Picard is living a quiet life on his vineyard, Chateau Picard. When he is sought out by a mysterious young woman, Dahj, in need of his help, he soon realizes she may have personal connections to his own past.

Shortly after the Destruction of Romulus,Starfleet reneged on a prior commitment to help the evacuation of Romulus. Culminating With a battalion of "Rogue" Starfleet Synthetics attacking The Mars Colonies (Short Trek: children of mars) This set forth a series of unprecedented events which leads to a Galactic Conspiracy. After ten years into his retirement, Jean Luc Picard has a stranger ask for his help. Which unearths unnerving questions that no one will answer. So now it is up to Picard to rise up and face those challenges head on.

Many years after STNG, Jean-Luc Picard has retired to his vineyard on Earth. Haunted by past events, they increasingly invade his dreams. When a stranger visits, his life is suddenly turned upside down when he learns the impossible may have occurred.

Synopsis Star Trek: Picard

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Watch Streaming  Freaky 2020 Full Movie Streaming Online Free

Watch Streaming Freaky 2020 Full Movie Streaming Online Free

Stream Freaky 2020 Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Freaky
  • Year: 2020
  • Duration: 1h 42m
  • Rating: 6.3
  • Genres: Comedy, Thriller, Horror
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Summary Freaky 2020

After swapping bodies with a deranged serial killer, a young girl in high school discovers she has less than 24 hours before the change becomes permanent.

Synopsis Freaky 2020

On Wednesday the 11th, four teenagers are brutally murdered by a serial killer known as the Blissfield Butcher (Vince Vaughn), who was previously thought only to be an urban legend. During his murder spree, the Butcher steals a dagger known as EL DOLO (actual name unconfirmed) from a collection of ancient artifacts kept in the teenager's house where the murders took place.

The next day, high school student Millie Kessler (Kathryn Newton) suffers bullying from various students, including cheerleader Ryler (Melissa Collazo), and teacher, Mr. Fletcher (Alan Ruck). Millie finds solace in her friends, Nyla (Celeste O'Connor) and Josh (Misha Osherovich), who is gay, and her crush, Booker (Uriah Shelton). Josh tries to convince Millie that she's "a piece," while Nyla fears that Millie is so concerned with taking care of her mother that she fails to take care of herself. Millie lives with her older sister, police office Charlene "Char" Kessler (Dana Drori), and alcoholic mother, Paula Kessler (Katie Finneran). Her father died one year ago.

Despite the emergency alert of the butchered teenagers, Blissfield Valley High School maintains its plans to host a homecoming dance on Friday the 13th. Against the protests of Nyla and Josh, Millie plans to skip the homecoming dance and spend the night at a theater play with her mother instead.

That night, the night of Thursday the 12th, Millie works as the high school mascot, a beaver, for the homecoming football game. She declines a ride home from Nyla and Josh and instead waits for her mother to pick her up. Unbeknownst to Millie, her mother has suffered another alcoholic fit and is passed out on the couch. Night comes and the high school crowd disperses, leaving Millie alone, still waiting for her mother. As she waits, she spots the Blissfield Butcher across the street. As the Butcher begins to approach, Millie runs underneath the stands of the football stadium to hide. As she attempts to escape, she is tackled by the Butcher. The Butcher stabs Millie in the left shoulder with EL DOLO, causing an identical wound to appear on his left shoulder. Charlene arrives and shoots her gun in the air to scare off the Butcher. The police keep EL DOLO as evidence.

The next day, Friday the 13th, the Butcher awakes in the body of Millie in her bedroom. Meanwhile, Millie awakes in the body of the Butcher on a filthy mattress in an abandoned shack. In Millie's body, the Butcher attempts to stab an oblivious Charlene in the back with a kitchen knife but is intervened by Millie's oblivious mother. "Millie's" strange behavior is attributed to shock from her attack. The Butcher decides to go to school in Millie's body to find more teenagers to kill.

The Butcher gives Millie's body an updated appearance, wearing a high ponytail and red lipstick and borrowing a red leather jacket from Charlene. This new appearance gives "Millie" attention from her previous bullies, including the football team. While at school, the Butcher ignores Nyla and Josh. He kills Ryler by locking her in a cryo-tank. As he exits the murder scene, he is at first shocked by the appearance of two police officers walking down the hall but quickly realizes that they do not suspect him since he is in the body of a teenage girl.

The real Millie, trapped in the Butcher's body, sneaks into school to try to find her friends. Sketch drawings of the Butcher is all over the news, so Millie must keep a low profile to avoid being recognized. She also struggles to adjust to her new body's newfound strength and size. Millie finds Nyla and Josh, who recognize her as the Butcher, and begins chasing them in an attempt to explain her situation. After a mild scuffle in the kitchen of the high school, Millie is able to disarm her friends long enough for her to do the school mascot's dance routine and their friendship handshake, proving that she is Millie after all. Nyla and Josh ask their Spanish teacher to translate an article about EL DOLO, which reveals that Millie has until midnight to stab the Butcher with EL DOLO or else the body switch will be permanent.

Millie, Nyla, and Josh realize that the Butcher is "a wolf in sheep's clothing" and set out to find him. When they find the Butcher in the school hallways, he cries out for help, drawing the attention of police officers, students, and teachers in the school. Millie, Nyla, and Josh escape in Josh's car. They are chased by Charlene, who is on duty. They escape to the Discount Bonanza store, where Millie's mother works. Millie hides in a changing room, where she and her mother have a meaningful conversation through the changing room door. The exchange ends with Paula asking "the Butcher" on a date, to which Millie declines politely and says "he" is a married man. The Butcher kills Mr. Fletcher.

Nyla and Josh find an Aaron Rodgers mask for Millie to don to avoid being recognized. As they leave the store, Josh discovers that the Butcher is at an arcade with a few members of the football team. The Butcher lures Booker into a laser tag arena. Millie, Nyla, and Josh arrive to save Booker. Millie knocks the Butcher and Booker unconscious.

At Josh's house, Millie ties the Butcher to a chair. She and Nyla try to explain the situation to Booker, but he remains unconvinced until Millie recites a love poem that she anonymously slipped into his locker a few weeks earlier. Josh stays at his house with the Butcher while Millie, Nyla, and Booker go to the police station to obtain EL DOLO.

Nyla enters the police station and tricks Charlene, the only police officer at the station, to look for the Butcher outside. While Charlene is outside, Nyla steals her keys and obtains EL DOLO from the evidence locker. Millie and Booker wait in the car and have a meaningful conversation in which Booker reveals he's liked Millie "from day one." Millie confides to him the newfound strength she feels being in the Butcher's body and not being bullied, but Booker tells her that strength is in your heart and your mind, not your size, and that Millie is really a lot stronger than she thinks she is.

Josh's mother arrives home early to find "Millie" tied up in their kitchen. Josh attempts to convince his mother that he is actually straight and this is just part of sexual role playing. However, the Butcher slips out of the ropes tied around his wrists and chases Josh and his mother down the hallway with a kitchen knife.

At the police station, Charlene catches Nyla stealing EL DOLO. Millie sees the Butcher run into the police station and follows in after him. Charlene attempts to put Millie in a jail cell, but Millie overpowers her and apologetically locks her in the cell instead. The Butcher escapes in a police car and almost runs over Josh.

At the homecoming dance, the Butcher kills four football players. Millie, Nyla, Josh, and Booker drive back to the homecoming dance in search of the Butcher. Booker sets an alarm on Millie's Apple watch for midnight. They find the Butcher, and Nyla and Josh tackle him and hold him down while Booker staves off the police. As Millie prepares to stab him, her alarm beeps, indicating that it's too late and the curse is permanent. However, Josh notices that the bell hasn't rung yet, and Millie remembers when Booker gave her advice to set her clock five minutes late to prevent being late to classes. Millie realizes it is actually 11:55 PM and stabs the Butcher. They switch bodies just as the police discover the Butcher (now in his own body) and shoot him down.

While in an ambulance, the Butcher removes his fingertip pulse oximeter to fake his death. Meanwhile, Charlene and Paula go to sleep. Millie discovers the back door open and is attacked by the Butcher. The Butcher torments her. He says that after being in her body, he understands why she's so anxious and weak. Charlene appears and orders the Butcher to freeze. She attempts to fire her gun, but the Butcher reveals he removed all its bullets. Suddenly, Paula smashes a wine bottle the Butcher's head. He quickly overpowers all three women, throwing Charlene into the TV, punching Paula in the face, and head-butting Millie. Millie admits that she also learned something from being in his body-that "having balls sucks." She kicks the Butcher in the balls and stabs him in the chest with a wooden post. She looks down at the dying Butcher and utters, "I am a f---ing piece."
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 I'm Thinking of Ending Things 2020 Full Movie Free Stream

I'm Thinking of Ending Things 2020 Full Movie Free Stream

Stream I'm Thinking of Ending Things 2020 Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: I'm Thinking of Ending Things
  • Year: 2020
  • Duration: 2h 14m
  • Rating: 6.6
  • Genres: Drama, Thriller
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Summary I'm Thinking of Ending Things 2020

Full of misgivings, a young woman travels with her new boyfriend to his parents' secluded farm. Upon arriving, she comes to question everything she thought she knew about him, and herself.

Despite second thoughts about their relationship, a young woman (Jessie Buckley) takes a road trip with her new boyfriend (Jesse Plemons) to his family farm. Trapped at the farm during a snowstorm with Jake's mother (Toni Collette) and father (David Thewlis), the young woman begins to question the nature of everything she knew or understood about her boyfriend, herself, and the world. An exploration of regret, longing and the fragility of the human spirit, I'M THINKING OF ENDING THINGS is directed and written by Academy Award® winner Charlie Kaufman (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind). Inspired by Iain Reid's bestselling namesake novel.

Synopsis I'm Thinking of Ending Things 2020

The film opens with an inner monologue from a young woman. She anxiously explains how she is thinking of ending things, although she can't say long she has been or how the idea formed. She has been in a relationship with Jake for a month now, although she says it feels like it has been much longer.

It is the middle of winter and Jake is taking her on a road trip out to a rural area for her to meet Jake's parents. As she waits on a street corner for Jake to pick her up, she expresses how she regrets not breaking things off before agreeing to this trip.

During the car trip the young woman keeps finding herself drifting off into her own head in lengthy inner monologues as Jake tries to make small talk. They pass by a demolished house with a swing set in the front yard. The woman remarks how bizarre it is that a torn down home would have a brand new swing set in the front yard.

As the trip progresses, the snowfall grows much heavier. The couple's conversation's occasionally become deep and philosophical. Both characters seem very analytical and well educated about a wide variety of topics.

There is a moment where Jake calls the young woman "Lucy". (She is called by several different names throughout the film.)

Jake turns on the radio and sings along to a song from the musical "Oklahoma!". The young woman is surprised to discover he is a fan of musical theater.

At one point the young woman reads a lengthy poem about the comfort of going home, and the existential terror of actually arriving. The poem features themes of loneliness, regret, and the fear of growing old. Jake remarks he feels as if the poem was written specifically about him.

Occasionally the film cuts away to the daily routine of an elderly janitor. His backyard has the same swing set from the house. He is shown going to work at a high school. His life and job seem lonely and mundane. He watches students as they rehearse for a school production of "Oklahoma!".

Eventually the couple arrives at Jake's parents' farmhouse. Jake refuses to go inside at first and instead insists he first shows her the animal stable. As they enter they find several dead sheep lying in the entrance. Jake avoids explaining how they died. He instead tells the story of a pig that died in the stable years ago. His father had neglected to check on the pigs for a few days and eventually found one of them was being eaten alive by maggots.

They go inside and can't find either of Jake's parents at first. Eventually they are discovered to both still be upstairs getting ready.

Jake gives the young woman a tour of the house. She mentions how the house reminds her of her own childhood home. She also finds a baby photo of Jake on the wall she seems to believe is a photo of her. Jake shows her the door to the basement which is covered in scratches and has been taped shut. Jake tells her it's unsafe to go down there and the scratches are all probably from the family dog.

The parents soon come downstairs and they all sit down for dinner. The parents are friendly and welcoming, but exhibit some peculiar behavior. The young woman shows off some of her artwork to the parents who don't know what to make of any of it. She also tells the story of how she and Jake met at a trivia night, a story which features several inconsistencies. The father seems to take everything completely at face value and doesn't understand anything beyond its literal meaning. The mother has a habit of mispronouncing words and laughing hysterically until she seems to be in pain.

During dinner, the young woman receives a voice mail from someone with the caller ID "Lucy". The caller delivers a cryptic message: "There's only one question to resolve. I'm scared. I feel a little crazy. I'm not lucid. The assumptions are right. I can feel my fear growing. Now is the time for the answer. Just one question. One question to answer." She doesn't seem to react to the message and casually carries on with the dinner conversation.

Over dessert, the young woman talks about studying Gerontology and how she has always been fascinated by the aging process and upset with how society treats the elderly. Mid-conversation, Jake's mother is briefly overcome by a buzzing in her ears caused by tinnitus. She fearfully wonders aloud if the buzzing is someone trying to communicate with her to share the secrets of the universe.

As the night goes on, more bizarre and unexplained things begin to happen. Jake's parents begin to rapidly age and de-age between scenes. The young woman goes up to Jake's childhood bedroom and finds it seemingly untouched from when he was a child. She finds a journal which somehow contains her own poem that she recited in the car earlier.

Jake's father, who is at this point elderly and suffering from some form of dementia seems to misunderstand that Jake's girlfriend is there to stay the night. Despite her repeated attempts to explain she needs to be home tonight, the father offers her Jake's childhood bed to sleep in and the mother's old nightgown which has a large stain on it.

Jake's mother asks young woman to go down to the basement to throw her stained nightgown in the wash. She goes to the basement and gets another mysterious call repeating the same message. She opens the running washing machine and finds inside an entire load of identical shirts. Down there, she also finds several paintings signed by Jake which seem to resemble her own.

The young woman eventually convinces Jake to leave and they head back on the road. By this point the snowfall has become a blizzard. There's a moment where Jake calls the young woman Amy. She seems no longer able to remember much of what happened at the house after dinner.

The conversation turns to John Cassavete's film "A Woman Under the Influence". The young woman gives a lengthy eloquent and condescending critique of the film. She even seems to conjure a lit cigarette out of thin air to punctuate her suddenly very smug attitude. Jake says he connected with the film emotionally although he seems too ashamed now to try to articulate why.

Jake suddenly suggests they pull over for ice cream. They stop at a place called "Tulsey Town". Two of the employees seem to recognize Jake, who is clearly embarrassed, refusing to make eye contact. The young woman seems to recognize the third employee, but can't recall from where. The girl, who has some sort of rash on her arms, cryptically tells Amy she doesn't have to go forward.

Back on the road moments later, Jake decides he has had enough of his ice cream after barely touching it. The young woman suddenly decides she doesn't want any more either. Jake tries to search for somewhere to dispose of the ice cream before it melts inside the car.

Jake pulls over at his old high school nearby. He disappears for a moment to throw the cups away and soon returns. They are about to leave when Jake spots the janitor watching them from inside. Jake gets out again and disappears into the building. The young woman waits for what seems to be a very long time and Jake never returns. She gets out of the car and accidentally locks herself out.

She goes into the school looking for Jake. She encounters the janitor and tries to hide from him at first. He soon finds her and she talks to him. She tells him that nothing ever happened between her and Jake that trivia night, and that she can't even remember what he looks like.

The young woman and Jake soon find one another. Two dancers appear, dressed the same as them and a lengthy dream-like ballet sequence follows. The dance concludes with a third dancer, dressed as the janitor appearing. A dance fight ensues which ends with the janitor killing Jake with a knife.

The janitor finishes his shift. He goes out to his truck and is about to turn it on, but hesitates. He sits out in the cold and appears to suffer a mental breakdown. He hallucinates characters from a "Tulsey Town" commercial outside. He undresses and follows an animated pig back into the school. The pig resembles the one from Jake's story, with it's underside infested with maggots.

In the high school auditorium, a version of Jake, wearing stage makeup to look older, receives a Nobel Prize and delivers a speech about his journey through the metaphysical. Lucy/Amy is watching from the audience. She as well as most of the audience are made up to look older. Jake finishes his speech by singing the song "Lonely Room" from "Oklahoma!"; a song about walking away from isolation and an imaginary girl, becoming stronger, and taking charge of your life.

The film ends with a shot of the school parking lot the next morning. The snow storm has stopped and the janitor's truck is covered with snow. At the very end of the credits a sound of an engine beginning to turn over is heard. Perhaps suggesting Jake has changed his mind about ending things.
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 Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story  Full Movie Bluray Stream

Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story Full Movie Bluray Stream

Stream Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story
  • Year:
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 9.4
  • Genres: Drama, Crime, Biography
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Summary Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story

Set in 1980's and 90's Bombay, it follows the life of Harshad Mehta, a stockbroker who took the stock market to dizzying heights and his catastrophic downfall.

Set in 1980's & 90's Bombay, Scam 1992 follows the life of Harshad Mehta - a stockbroker who single-handedly took the stock market to dizzying heights & his catastrophic downfall. Being directed by National Award-winning filmmaker Hansal Mehta, the series is based on journalist Debashis Basu & Sucheta Dalal's book "The Scam".

Times Of India reporter Sucheta Dalal gets breaking news from a stranger Sharad Bellari claiming to be from State Bank Of India that 500 Crore's are missing from their records and the fraud is committed by well known stockbroker Harshad Mehta.Harshad Mehta who started as a jobber in Bombay Stock Exchange went to be become one of the biggest stock broker in small time due to his intelligence but big crash in market caused him huge losses. Harshad then decides to bounce back with his brother Ashwin and friend Bushan and also starts to invest in money market.The big fishes in the market feel threat from Harshad as their business is suffering losses they team up with foreign banks which denied business with him and plan to expose his huge business transactions while RBI Governor is also eager to know how Harshad arranges finances for huge transactions.The story reaches to Sucehta Dalal with sources of many which she publishes as the Scam the word which is new to the country further leading troubles for the Harshad Mehta (Big Bull).

Synopsis Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story

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Ghostbusters: Afterlife 2021 Full Movie HD Online Stream

Watch Ghostbusters: Afterlife 2021 Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Ghostbusters: Afterlife
  • Year: 2021
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating:
  • Genres: Comedy, Fantasy
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Summary Ghostbusters: Afterlife 2021

When a single mom and her two kids arrive in a small town, they begin to discover their connection to the original Ghostbusters and the secret legacy their grandfather left behind.

Synopsis Ghostbusters: Afterlife 2021

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Watch  Rebecca 2020 Full Movie Online Uk Streaming

Watch Rebecca 2020 Full Movie Online Uk Streaming

Watch Rebecca 2020 Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Rebecca
  • Year: 2020
  • Duration: 2h 3m
  • Rating: 6
  • Genres: Drama, Romance, Mystery
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Summary Rebecca 2020

A young newlywed arrives at her husband's imposing family estate on a windswept English coast and finds herself battling the shadow of his first wife, Rebecca, whose legacy lives on in the house long after her death.

After a whirlwind romance in Monte Carlo with handsome widower Maxim de Winter (Armie Hammer), a newly married young woman (Lily James) arrives at Manderley, her new husband's imposing family estate on a windswept English coast. Naive and inexperienced, she begins to settle into the trappings of her new life, but finds herself battling the shadow of Maxim's first wife, the elegant and urbane Rebecca, whose haunting legacy is kept alive by Manderley's sinister housekeeper Mrs. Danvers (Kristin Scott Thomas).

Synopsis Rebecca 2020

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Equinox Full Movie HD Online Stream

Streaming Equinox Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Equinox
  • Year:
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 6.1
  • Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery
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Summary Equinox

Astrid was traumatized by the mysterious disappearance of a school class in 1999. Twenty years later, when she finds out that the only survivor from 1999 mysteriously died, Astrid sets off to discover what really happened.

Synopsis Equinox

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Watch  Gangs of London  Full Movie Online Stream

Watch Gangs of London Full Movie Online Stream

Streaming Gangs of London Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Gangs of London
  • Year:
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 8.1
  • Genres: Action, Drama, Crime
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Summary Gangs of London

Tells the story of London being torn apart by the turbulent power struggles of its international gangs and the sudden power vacuum that's created when the head of London's most powerful crime family is assassinated.

Synopsis Gangs of London

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Watch  Possessor 2020 Full Movie In HD Online Free

Watch Possessor 2020 Full Movie In HD Online Free

Watch Possessor 2020 Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Possessor
  • Year: 2020
  • Duration: 1h 43m
  • Rating: 6.5
  • Genres: Sci-Fi, Thriller, Horror
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Summary Possessor 2020

Possessor follows an agent who works for a secretive organization that uses brain-implant technology to inhabit other people's bodies - ultimately driving them to commit assassinations for high-paying clients.

Tasya Vos is a corporate agent who uses brain-implant technology to inhabit other people's bodies, driving them to commit assassinations for the benefit of the company. While she has a special gift for the work, her experiences on these jobs have caused a dramatic change in her, and in her own life she struggles to suppress violent memories and urges. As her mental strain intensifies, she begins to lose control, and soon she finds herself trapped in the mind of a man whose identity threatens to obliterate her own.

Synopsis Possessor 2020

In an alternate 2008, Tasya Vos is an assassin who takes control of others' bodies to carry out her hits. Through an implant installed in the unwitting host's brain, Vos can use a special machine to insert her consciousness into their minds. She returns to her own body by forcing the host to commit suicide at the end of each job.

Due to the amount of time she spends imitating other people, Vos struggles with increasing detachment from her own identity and cannot fully separate her work from her interactions with her husband, Michael, and son, Ira. She "practices" assuming her normal persona the same way she practices impersonating her hosts. Thoughts of violence haunt her during ordinary domestic life such as when putting Ira to bed and having sex with Michael.

Vos's handler, retired assassin Girder, is critical of her desire to remain connected to her family and expresses the belief that Vos would be a better killer without personal attachments. In a debriefing session meant to reconnect her with her real identity, Vos sorts through a series of objects associated with personal memories and pauses on a butterfly that she pinned and framed as a child. She tells Girder she feels guilty for killing it.

Despite her fragile mental state and fatigue with her work, Vos agrees to perform a major hit on wealthy CEO John Parse and his daughter, Ava, by possessing Ava's fiancé, Colin Tate. The hit is only a partial success: Ava dies, but Parse survives. Vos attempts to flee the scene by forcing Tate to shoot himself but discovers she cannot make him pull the trigger.

Tate instead stabs himself in the skull in an act of rebellion. This damages the implant, and Vos discovers she cannot leave Tate's body or overpower his will. Tate, regaining control, does not know why he killed his girlfriend or why he has begun to experience false, fragmented memories of another person's - Vos's - life.

The traumatized and disoriented Tate flees from the crime scene to his friend Reeta's apartment. He kills Reeta while struggling with dissociative memories of the hit on Parse and Ava.

Eddie, another employee from Vos's company, arrives at the apartment to help her regain control and complete Tate's suicide. The attempt fails. Vos is still unable to make Tate kill himself.

Instead, Tate becomes aware of her presence inside his body; his consciousness overpowers hers in a psychic confrontation, giving him access to memories of her husband, child and home. He kills Eddie during their internal battle.

Tate then goes to Vos's home and holds her husband at gunpoint, demanding to know what she did to him. When Michael knocks the gun from Tate's hand, Tate kills him with a meat cleaver.

Moments later, Ira stabs Tate in the throat, finally killing him. Tate uses his last moments to fatally shoot Ira.

Vos returns to her own body and discovers Girder had taken control of Ira to end her struggle with Tate. With Ira and Michael both dead, she is now free of all human attachments, just like Girder wanted.

In another debriefing, Vos sorts through the same personal objects from the beginning of the film. She handles the butterfly again but does not express any guilt for killing it.
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Watch  Let Him Go 2020 Full Movie Online Stream

Watch Let Him Go 2020 Full Movie Online Stream

Stream Let Him Go 2020 Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Let Him Go
  • Year: 2020
  • Duration: 1h 53m
  • Rating: 6.7
  • Genres: Drama, Crime, Thriller
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Summary Let Him Go 2020

A retired sheriff and his wife, grieving over the death of their son, set out to find their only grandson.

Synopsis Let Him Go 2020

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